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Announcement of 2023 Biomedical Parallel Forum of Beijing International Youth Forum on Innovation and Development & the Fourth International Young Scholars Forum of Capital Medical University

CCMU 2023-08-22 關注學術橋




  The Biomedical Parallel Forum of Beijing International Youth Forum on Innovation and Development, also the Fourth International Young Scholars Forum of Capital Medical University, is a forum for scholars in the field of life science and medicine. It aims to build an academic exchange platform for promising young scholars from home and abroad, and promote the innovation of biomedical science and technology, and the exchange of innovative talents among Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei province. The first forum was successfully held in 2020 and received extensive local and global attention. Around 300 young scholars out of the 600 registered candidates were invited to the Forum, among whom over 60 candidates intended to work in Capital Medical University, and 19 were selected for the Beijing Talent Introduction Program.

  This forum will be organized in a hybrid form combining online and face-to-face activities, including academic reports at the main forum, experience sharing sessions by overseas talents returning to work in China, academic exchanges at sub-forums, and in-person visits and meetings. This Forum will focus on the academic frontiers and hot topics, expand academic views, and facilitate scholarly exchange and cooperation, contributing to Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Collaborative Development and the construction of Healthy China and Healthy Beijing.



  Beijing Overseas Talents Center & Capital Medical University (CMU)



  Tianjin Medical University (TMU) & Hebei Medical University (HMU)



  Themed as "sailing towards a brighter future from CMU", the Forum is guided by the strategy of strengthening the university with talents in the new era, as well as the faculty development plan of CMU, the 2023 talent pooling program (click to view more) and the international postdoc introduction plan. The Forum consists of one main forum and 24 sub-forums.


The main forum

  The main forum will be held at 9:00 a.m. on November 7, 2023(Beijing Time) in the Conference Hall of Youanmen Campus of Capital Medical University, and will be webcast live for young scholars around the world. The content of the main forum includes addresses by University leaders, introduction to Beijing's innovation and entrepreneurship environment and talent introduction policies, invited academic presentations, and experience sharing sessions by overseas talents returning to work in China.



  The sub-forums will be held on November 7-9, 2023(Beijing Time) (the specific time and place will be notified according to the arrangement of each school/college/clinical medical school). The sub-forums include policy introduction, academic presentations and academic exchanges.


Talent Recruitment Fair

  On November 9, 2023(Beijing Time), each school/college/clinical medical school will meet with invited young scholars and provide guidance on preparing application for Beijing Talent Introduction Program.


Campus Tour

  On November 9, 2023(Beijing Time), invited young scholars will visit the university's history museum, laboratories, etc.

   Domestic invited young scholars can choose to participate in the Forum online or in person, and overseas young scholars will participate online. The University will provide domestic scholars with accommodation and board during the forum and reimburse domestic round-trip transportation costs (economy class only, reimbursement for actual expenses, and the details for reimbursement will be sent via the invitation letter).


Application Requirements 

Eligible applicants should meet the following requirements:


  I. High-level talents

  1. Be strongly passionate for the development of higher education in China, abide by Chinese laws and regulations, and observe professional ethics and academic norms;

  2. Young scholars who have obtained or are about to obtain a doctoral degree and who have studied or worked overseas for at least three years with impressive academic achievements; or young scholars who have obtained a doctoral degree in China with outstanding academic achievements and great potential.


  II. International postdocs

  1. Non-Chinese doctoral graduates, not older than 35 years old;

  2. The doctoral degree should be earned at a university ranked for the last three years in the top 100 of the Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU).

  3. Outstanding research achievements during doctoral studies.


How to Apply

  Scholars who are interested in applying are welcome to scan the QR code below for registration. After registration, please visit https://forum.ccmu.edu.cn/ and log into the registration system to sign up. The sign-up deadline is September 17, 2023(Beijing Time). Invitations to attend the Forum will be sent to the eligible applicants through the registration system before October 10, 2023(Beijing Time) after the qualification review by the schools/clinical medical schools of the sub-forums of each discipline, so please be mindful of the notifications from the system in a timely manner.


Scan and fill out your personal information

QR code for forum accounts registration 

QR code for international postdocs accounts registration


Support Policy

Capital Medical University

  I. The Main Campus

  Talents recruited by the University:

  Research start-up funding: No less than 5, 000,000 CNY for young talents and no less than 8,000,000 CNY for other talents.

  Annual salary before tax: 400,000 CNY–600,000 CNY for young talents and no less than 600,000 CNY for other talents.

  Housing subsidy: 3,000,000 CNY–5,000,000 CNY.

  Talents recruited by schools:

  Research start-up funding: 1,500,000 CNY–3,000,000 CNY for professors, 500,000 CNY for associate professors

  Salary: based on the salary standards for professors and associate professors

  Housing subsidy: 1,000,000 CNY for professors and 500,000 CNY for associate professors

  International postdocs:

  500,000 CNY funding every year for two years


  II. Clinical Medical Schools

  Each clinical medical school can refer to the above standard of the Main Campus in recruiting talents. The specific terms can be negotiated with each clinical medical school.


  III. Chinese Institutes for Medical Research(CIMR)

  Successful candidates will be provided internationally competitive salaries and fringe benefits (including housing allowance), start-up packages and annual supply budgets, newly renovated lab space and access to outstanding PhD and postdoctoral programs, commensurate with ranks. Principal investigators will have joint appointments with academic departments and/or affiliated hospitals of Capital Medical University.


Support Policy

Tianjin Medical University

  I. The Main Campus

  High-level talents:

  Research start-up funding: no less than 5,000,000 CNY, with the highest being no less than 10,000,000 CNY, commensurate with ranks;

  Annual salary before tax: 1,000,000–1,500,000 CNY. Salary expectations are negotiable;

  Housing subsidy: 3,000,000 CNY (special funds from Tianjin municipality excluded).

  Young scholars:

  Research start-up funding: no less than 1,000,000 CNY, with the highest being no less than 3,000,000 CNY, commensurate with ranks;

  Annual salary before tax: 350,000 CNY–650,000 CNY;

  Housing subsidy: 500,000 CNY–1,500,000 CNY.


  Annual salary before tax: no less than 250,000 CNY for first-level positions and no less than 200,000 CNY for second-level positions;

  Research performance bonus: an extra annual incentive pay of 50,000 CNY to reward outstanding performance during the postdoctoral period.

  The remuneration for other types of talents will be negotiable.


  II. Clinical Medical Schools and Affiliated Hospitals

  Each clinical medical school can refer to the above standards of the Main Campus in recruiting talents. The specific terms can be negotiated with each clinical medical school.


Support Policy

Hebei Medical University

  I. The Main Campus

  High-level talents:

  Research start-up funding: 1,000,000 CNY–6,000,000 CNY.

  Annual salary before tax: 200,000 CNY–1,000,000 CNY.

  Housing subsidy: 800,000 CNY–2,000,000 CNY

  The support policy for talents with special achievements may vary from person to person.

  Young scholars with a doctorate:

  Terms may vary according to the needs of the discipline and the overall performance of the scholar before coming to the University. The housing subsidy ranges from 50,000 CNY to 500,000 CNY. Postdocs are provided with research start-up funds ranging from 100,000 CNY to 300,000 CNY. Top Talents will be paid on an annual basis.


Talent pooling program (the details are provided in the Excel)

Contact information of the organizers


  I. Beijing Overseas Talents Center          

  Contact: Ms. Wang                       

  Telephone: 010-89153824        

  Email: wangxue@8610hr.cn        

  Website: www.8610hr.cn


  II. Department of Human Resources, Capital Medical University


  Mr. Wu, Mr. Kang, Ms. Zhu

  Mr. Chen (International postdocs)

  Telephone: 010-83911971, 010-83916571, 010-83911970, 010-83911210

  Email: hr@ccmu.edu.cn

  Website: www.ccmu.edu.cn


Content of sub-forums and contact information

Innovative and talented young medical scholars from home and abroad, welcome to attend 

the Forum of Capital Medical University!

Introduction to Capital Medical University

  Founded in 1960, Capital Medical University (CMU) is a key institution of higher education under the joint leadership of Beijing Municipal Government, National Health Commission and Ministry of Education (MOE). The current Secretary of Party Committee is Research Fellow Hu Wenliang, and the President is the renowned molecular neurobiologist Professor Rao Yi.

  The main campus consists of 11 academic schools, 1 research center, including School of Basic Medical Sciences, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, School of Public Health, School of Nursing, School of Biomedical Engineering, School of Traditional Chinese Medicine, School of Medical Humanities, School of General Practice and Continuing Education, School of Marxist Studies, the International School, Yanjing Medical College, Research Center for Brain Disorders. At the moment, CMU has 22 schools of clinical medicine (among which 20 are affiliated hospitals) including CMU Xuanwu Hospital (the first school of clinical medicine), Beijing Friendship Hospital (the second school of clinical medicine), Beijing Chao-Yang Hospital (the third school of clinical medicine), Beijing Tongren Hospital (the fourth school of clinical medicine), Beijing Tiantan Hospital (the fifth school of clinical medicine), Beijing Anzhen Hospital (the sixth school of clinical medicine), Beijing Jishuitan Hospital (the seventh school of clinical medicine), Fu Xing Hospital (the eighth school of clinical medicine), Beijing Youan Hospital (the ninth school of clinical medicine), Beijing Chest Hospital (the tenth school of clinical medicine), Sanbo Brain Hospital (the eleventh school of clinical medicine), Beijing Ditan Hospital (the twelfth school of clinical medicine), Beijing Children’s Hospital (School of Pediatrics), Beijing Stomatological Hospital (School of Stomatology), Beijing Anding Hospital (School of Mental Health), Beijing Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital (School of Obstetrics and Gynecology), Beijing Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine (School of Clinical TCM), Beijing Shijitan Hospital (School of Oncology), Beijing Rehabilitation Hospital (Beijing Rehabilitation School), Beijing Luhe Hospital (Luhe School of Clinical Medicine), China Rehabilitation Research Center (School of Rehabilitation), China-Japan Friendship Hospital (China-Japan Friendship School of Clinical Medicine) and Preventive Medicine Teaching Base (Beijing Center for Disease Prevention and Control). In addition, the University is equipped with 39 clinical specialty schools and departments, and 40 centers for clinical diagnosis, treatment and research. 

  The faculty of the University and staff of affiliated hospitals total more than 40,000 (1,578 at the main campus). Among them, six are academicians of Chinese Academy of Sciences and Chinese Academy of Engineering; 75 are winners of national funds for talents; and 172 are winners of Beijing municipal funds for talents. There are 7,569 full-time teachers, of whom 1,250 are professors, 1,985, associate professors; 1,277, doctoral supervisors; and 1,787, master supervisors.

  CMU has eight state key disciplines, two state key disciplines (candidate), 86 state key clinical specialties (including traditional Chinese medicine), four level-I key disciplines of Beijing, six level-II key disciplines of Beijing, one key interdisciplinary subject of Beijing, and one higher education discipline hgroup of Beijing . Twelve disciplines have entered the ESI global disciplines ranking top 1%. They are clinical medicine, neuroscience and behavior, pharmacology and toxicology, immunology, biology and biochemistry, molecular biology and genetics, social science, psychiatry and psychology, microbiology, chemistry, environment and ecology, and materials science. Of these disciplines, the discipline of clinical medicine and the discipline of pharmacology and toxicology both rank the top 1‰; the disciplines of neuroscience and behavior, immunology, biology and biochemistry, molecular biology and genetics rank the top 5‰.

  The University has five National Medicine Centers (located in six affiliated hospitals), six national clinical medicine research centers, two collaborative innovation centers jointly funded by Beijing municipal government and the Ministry of Education (MOE), one state key laboratory, one state key laboratory (candidate) jointly funded by Beijing municipal government and the MOE, five MOE key laboratories, one collaborative innovation center jointly funded by Beijing municipal government and the MOE, one laboratory funded by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, one Laboratory funded by the National Medical Products Administration, three Beijing laboratories, 54 Beijing municipal key laboratories, one state engineering research center, one state engineering technology research center, four MOE engineering research centers, 10 Beijing engineering technology research centers, three MOE innovation teams, and three excellent innovation teams in key disciplines accredited by the Ministry of Science and Technology.

  CMU ranked fifth in the 2022 China Science and Technology Evaluation Metrics for Medical Colleges and Universities, with five disciplines ranking first in China and 11 disciplines ranking in the top 3. The University has undertaken 3,145 national, provincial, and ministerial research projects, of which 1,639 are funded by National Natural Science Foundation, six are National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars, and seven are National Science Fund for Excellent Young Scholars. In 2022, the University got approved 22 national major R&D programs, of which 15 are key R&D programs in medical fields, ranking second among institutions of higher learning in China, first among provincial colleges and universities, and first among independent medical universities. The highly cited scholars of CMU have been listed 64 times. CMU has won three national science and technology awards as the leading institution, received seven national science and technology awards (including two first prizes) as a participating institution, and 45 provincial and ministerial science and technology awards (including two social science awards) as the leading institution.

CMU upholds the motto "Health, Society, Virtue, Ability", and strives to be a medical university to the people's satisfaction, cultivate more healthcare personnel who are capable of shouldering the mission of national rejuvenation and well prepared to carry on the socialist cause, and better serve the people's needs for health with scientific research. Standing at a new historical starting point, in the spirit of truth-seeking, collaboration, enterprise and excellence, CMU faculty and students will endeavor to build the University into a world-class research medical university. 


  Attachment download:

  Talent Introduction Plan

  Sub forums and contact information
